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Why You Should Document Your Fitness Journey

by Rob Hannaford 25 Feb 2021 0 Comments

As you begin your quest to be fit and healthy, you may want to consider documenting your entire fitness journey. After all, the hard work and dedication you put into working out and eating more mindfully should never go unrecognized!

Here are some of the biggest benefits of documenting both the physical, and nutritional journey:


Documenting your fitness journey makes it easy to be accountable to yourself. You set your goals, and it's up to you to own them and set a realistic routine to follow with vigour. You don't necessarily need to have a partner to keep you motivated - after all, you've got yourself! That is why you ought to document everything you intend to as much as staying fit is concerned to keep yourself committed and focused.

Visualize Your Progress

It is very important to assess if your fitness journey is paying off. This means you have to monitor your progress to be able to identify areas that need improvement. With that information in tow, you can make changes to your workout or nutrition to facilitate the journey to getting that fit body you have been yearning for.

For Comparison

Is it not a good thing to just stop for a moment and appreciate how far you have come? This is one of the key benefits you get when you document your fitness journey - you can easily compare your before and after. This will not only make you proud of yourself but will give you the grit to continue with your fitness challenge.

Stay Motivated

The challenges you go through to have a fit and healthy body should never be ignored. Keep count by recording every workout session. Take measurements of your weight, body mass index, and waist circumference at regular intervals (bi-weekly, or monthly), just to see your progress. This is a very uplifting approach that will serve to motivate you to keep going once you see what you have achieved. In the same spirit, you may decide to make necessary changes to your meal plans and physical activities so that they are in line with the fitness goals you want to achieve.

Stay on Track

Who plans, wins. Respect your fitness goals by following the necessary actions you have charted for yourself. Seeing them mapped out and making a promise to yourself on paper gives you the commitment to wake up every day and hit the gym, or do the things you need to in order to get closer to your goals. As you do this every day, it becomes a more deeply entrenched habit; and each day you will witness tremendous improvement in terms of your body composition and fitness levels. 


As the old mantra goes: 'Decide, commit, succeed.' You know what you want - take 15 mins to chart out a plan and routine that makes sense for YOU and YOUR GOAL, and commit to it if you really want to succeed. Part of that plan should include dedicating 5 minutes a day to documenting your entire fitness journey. This will help you stay committed by helping you identify where you might need to make improvements, giving you a concrete record of your progress, instilling continuous motivation and making you truly appreciate what you are doing and how far you've come. 

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